
  • Me and Myself




    In which Addam’s brain isn’t feeling the love…

  • Shed Load

    Shed Load




    In which Addam finds a spider…

  • Do Small Things




    You have an aunt, or a sibling, or a bezzie don’t you, who you love to pieces but is basically an anal douchebag? You know, the one that, when they walk into your house, tries to conceal palpable distaste at the general disorder and disarray. Like they’reย suppressingย the mental gag-reflex. You kinda don’t want them to…

  • Chinese Whispers Graph Clustering in Python

    I needed a simple and efficient unsupervised graph clustering algorithm. MCL is a bit heavy for my needs and I was afterย something that was available in pure Python (because of environment access and compatibility issues) pretty much immediately. There isn’t exactly a lot of choice! I stumbled across Chinese Whispersย an elegant and simple solution. I…

  • Does Word2Vec Dream of Semantic Sheep?

    I played with Google’s magical word2vec neural network some time ago. I found it interesting but I had no immediate use for it, so I filed it in the ‘must remember to check this out further’ section of my disorganised brain. More recently I found myself wrestling with topic modelling resulting in a near terminal…

  • Internet Advertising Ethics – the gorilla in the room

    Much has been said of late about the rise of the adblocker and what it means for the future of the advertising industry and, more worryingly, the internet. ย Iโ€™ve largely kept my gob shutย on the subject of advertising ethics up until now since itโ€™s not very fashionable to stand up for the evil advertising community.…

  • 17 seconds

    I donโ€™t know exactly how long it takes to read the 50 or so words attributed to me in a recent Guardian article, but I doubt that it equates to 5 minutes, probably more like 17 seconds, meaning that I still have the larger portion of my 5 minutes of fame to come. What wonders…