Boxer #2 by Alex Loveless (2018). Charcoal on A2 Paper

The Boxer

This nice man came to a life drawing session and dressed as a boxer. I don’t know how many pensioners continue to box, so in that sense, the concept is a little incongruous. I suppose this old fighter has adorned his kit for one last time, perhaps to relive former glories and feel some of the vitality of youth. Some of the poses were meant to seem triumphant, but it’s hard too capture anything other than melancholy, which suits me fine. This melancholic air was further emphasised by the fact that (as we discovered only at the end of the session) the model had a toothache!

Boxer #2 by Alex Loveless (2018). Charcoal on A2 Paper
Boxer #2 by Alex Loveless (2018). Charcoal on A2 Paper
Boxer #1 by Alex Loveless (2018). Charcoal on A2 Paper
Boxer #1 by Alex Loveless (2018). Charcoal on A2 Paper
Samphire by Alex Loveless (2018) - acrylic on A3 watercolour paper


This is what I saw sitting at the dining table in a holiday cottage in Devon on a recent trip. It suggests that I can see through walls, which I cannot, but my human brain is clever enough to infer what might be there.

Samphire by Alex Loveless (2018) - acrylic on A3 watercolour paper
Samphire by Alex Loveless (2018) – acrylic on A3 watercolour paper